18 January 2013

Article 9sexies of the Madrid Protocol - clearly explained

I've commented on WIPO's Madrid Highlights a couple of times (here and here).

Their fourth issue has recently been published on their website and I shall not comment on its "usual" contents. Some of you may have subscribed to this anyway.

I must say though that I particularly liked WIPO's way of explaining Article 9sexies of the Madrid Protocol. For those of us from countries that are members of the Madrid Protocol only this is, largely speaking, not relevant in day-to-day work. However, from time-to-time you may end up representing a proprietor from a member state of both the Madrid Agreement and Madrid Protocol, perhaps it has tax benefits being established in such a member state, for example. It is then that you may find WIPO's explanations appearing on pages 6 and 7 useful.

I commend WIPO for putting this information in such an easy to digest way and, I hope, also in the new language versions of Madrid Highlights in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish (the five other official UN languages) when these are released in due course.

Of a more picky note - me being keen on geographic accuracy - the map on page 5 is slightly inaccurate in that the large island of Greenland is not coloured in turquoise. Yes, my name is contained in the word "pedant", possibly by no coincidence!

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